Author: Verdino, Massimiliano
Publisher: Rubbettino
Series: Varia
ISBN: 9788849881004
Publication: 06/14/2024


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This essay of visual anthropology has an aesthetic premise, it starts from a series of photographs inspired by a manifestation of beauty. The research field was Africa, the object of study the game of football, here treated as a polysemic reality and anthropo-poietic metaphor. Beauty was considered as a search for humanity, etymologically significant action of the term colere, from which our word culture derives. A culture, that of African football, expressed through a humanity built with body paintings and traditional music, activities carried out by football fans. The gold metaphor, which gives the title to this work, is always recurrent in the relations between Africa and Europe starting from 1300, when the desert caravanners began trading in the precious metal. The author’s photographic reportage and a series of autobiographical stories complete and characterize this essay in an authorial manner.