Author: Omizzolo, Marco
Publisher: Meltemi
Series: Motus. Studies on Society
ISBN: 9788855190831
Publication: 28/11/2019


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The Italian reception system, with the Security Decree, has seen its governance severely limited, the complex of services aimed at guaranteeing qualified training and inclusion paths to asylum seekers has been scaled down, a form of ‘parking’ reception has been produced that produces marginalization and makes its guests structurally fragile, facilitating their exploitation by unscrupulous employers, gangmasters and various speculators. The Security Decree also boycotts the most virtuous and inclusive expressions and experiences. It amplifies forms of discomfort, intolerance and social insecurity, both perceived and real. From this point of view, it is urgent to move in an obstinately opposite direction, investing in a well-organized reception and inclusion system, territorially open and transparent, adequately supported on an economic level, capable of developing, within a framework of rigorous professionalism, governance and virtuous practices. Moreover, the latter already exist in the country and also represent forms of active resistance to the ongoing xenophobic and racist drift. Unfortunately, legal access to the labor market for asylum seekers continues to be a missed objective due to the condition of the beneficiaries themselves and the desire to keep them in conditions of blackmail for the purpose of exploitation. Overcoming the effects of the Security Decree is urgent and represents a form of civil resistance that can allow the country to regain dignity and start a new phase of civil and economic progress. Foreword by Maurizio Ambrosini.